Website Design and Development

@ 6225’

Web Design - HTML & CSS

We Provide HTML & CSS Services for Websites

The World Wide Web's best friends

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to display a page, while Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to design the layout of the website, itself. We write valid, optimized HTML and CSS, that is well-commented, well-structured and search engine friendly.

Interpreted directly by internet browsers, HTML and CSS is used to give websites structure and design. By having  well-structured and organized  HTML and CSS files, websites generally have better browser performance and better page ranking among search engines.

We write valid HTML and CSS, including HTML5 and CSS3 specifications with rollbacks for older browsers. By writing well-commented HTML and CSS files, websites are more scalable and organized, allowing for more efficient updates and maintenance. Working with existing files or creating from scratch, we write well-commented HTML and CSS code.

With our experience in transferring files, we use best-practices to ensure proper backups and file replacement.  We handle file uploads and downloads with caution to prevent any errors for site visitors and for optimal website performance.

To learn more about our HTML & CSS services, contact us today.

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